Dauphin County, Pennsylvania
Inscribed: Elisabet Conradin 1806
Polar and pine with polychrome paint decoration
23” H x 24” D x 51” W
A highly decorated dower chest featuring three tombstone panels on white ground with stylized tulips, stars, and stamped medallions. Similar chests by this hand using small stamps in the form of circles and florets have been attributed to a maker in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. This chest commemorates the marriage of Elisabet Conrad to Johannes Strack at the Zion German Lutheran Church in Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.
Similar chests made by this hand are illustrated in M. Fabian’s book, The Pennsylvania German Dower Chest.
Provenance: from the Collection of Dr. James Dawson, Manchester, Kentucky
WHY WE LOVE IT: The wonderful condition of the piece consummate of age and use, reflects truly how special this chest is. It retains a rich, historic, and rough surface with beautiful stamp detailing on the front side.
Price: $18000